Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Herp Derp, Trololol and Other Things

Today was a relatively interesting day, starting with sleeping in until 8 minutes before breakfast. Unfortunately, there was no time for tea, although I had 'stolen' some free hotel milks and sugars from Robert's room the previous day. Not a victory in any regard :\

After that, it started to pick up -- instead of the normal 5 hour exam, we did the B-session. A problem almost purely of implementation. It turned out that I managed to code the solution correctly, and thus I was happy(er).

The B-session problem was about determining if a connected graph was the union of a tree and its "reflection." Lots of ways it could go wrong, quite annoying to implement. Even after >2 hours with someone who knew the solution we still overlooked at least 2 things which we had to work out in the exam. Still, it was fun.

And now, during the free afternoon, I am writing this blog post after having lunch at some random food place and going to Coles with Michael Chen and Evgeny Martynov. Where 2 litres of ice cream and 5 packets of lollies were bought. Disregard sleep, acquire diabetes.

Alright, time to see if I will be able to play Go on KGS with this hotel internets. Btw I don't have spellcheck.


  1. Oh man, you play Go? We'll have to have a game at the IOI!

  2. So, how many nodes are there for the tree refrection problem again?
